Category Archives for Testimonials

Testimonial from Steve

I did several sessions with Vanessa. Vanessa is to the point and throrough. She is the first energy worker I met who leaves you in a normal state while her work appeals to the brain, the body and the soul (heart). She will provide you with enough insight for your next steps and a healing […]

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Testimonial from Anouk

I always knew that I was different from others, I couldn’t explain what that was exactly. When my life was completely in ruins a year ago, it turned out that being different is a great talent that I was able to discover thanks to Vanessa. Vanessa led me through the most intense storm in my […]

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Testimonial from Niki

I think Vanessa is a shining superstar !!! One of the best in her profession. Always a WONDER to work with her. Vanessa feels very clearly and sees razor-sharp, is inquisitive and decisive in her attitude and masters the art of conveying everything in clear, everyday language with sweet hints of fantastic humor and positivity. […]

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Testimonial from Nicola

Vanessa is truly incredible! Thanks to a few 1:1 sessions, we worked through some major energetic obstacles and she healed some lingering stuff. She’s given me direction and support, for that, I am eternally grateful. She’s also got a FAB sense of humour and I feel so blessed that she came into my life a […]

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Testimonial from Amanda

Before the session at Vanessa’s home, I would never have dared to hope that I would feel so different as a result.   I had been to so many healers and therapists this year with only very subtle results, and was beginning to worry I would never shake off these mysterious health problems and negative mental […]

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Testimonial from A.

I feel calmer and more grounded! The visualization exercise has so far had a positive effect. Even though I sometimes take on emotions from other people, it is easier for me to let go and come back to myself. I also feel that I dare to speak my truth more about what I feel and […]

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Testimonial from Christa

Since our last reading, a lot has happened and especially in the field of light work, intuition, energy with regard to myself. After you I came in contact with others and I started, among other things, with meditations and affirmations. 1 of the meditation has brought me to the high priestess who literally stepped down […]

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Testimonial from Dorothe

Vanessa brings you back in contact in a clear and clear manner and in connection with your own core / essence. She does that with warmth, humor and lightness. And that is very nice, educational, powerful and clear.

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Testimonial from Sara

Vanessa was a magical experience. I did it the day before I did Ayahuasca for the first time, when I was visiting Amsterdam. I thought, it would open me up, that my psychic and spiritual and emotional healing would be deeper. Boy, was I right. Vanessa is an expert. A professional. A magician. Go to […]

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