"Spiritual? I would rather call it potential!"
- Vanessa Vink
Everyone and everything consists of energy. That energy has a certain vibration and that vibration contains information. As a reader, I ‘read’ this information like a book.
During a session with me, your ‘book’ will open for me on the page you want to work on. So that is never too much, but exactly what you can handle and what you need the most at that moment.
By reading your book - a.k.a. a reading - you get what you need to make your next step (-s). So in a reading you get a lot of information about yourself!

I don't just look at you the mother/father, partner, son/daughter, boyfriend/girlfriend, colleague or whatever role you are all playing in this life. I look behind all the ‘shit’ 😉 as I always call it of beliefs that are also in your energy system. Beliefs of yourself, of others, of society, etc… I go right through it so that not only I but you can experience what lies behind it. You can then take on the autonomy (again) and realize what you can actually do yourself.
So what I read is the information of your soul/spirit that lies beneath it all. Reading and healing brings it more to the foreground and you can learn to sail better on your own intuition. Then you can make room for who you really are. Or even better: then you can become who you always really were in the first place.
Incidentally, a reading is not only suitable for a person. Everything is energy, so everything can be read! J I don't care what it is: a person, a relationship, an animal, a company, a situation, a house, a piece of land, emotions, a disease, your Soul Book in the Akasha chronicles, past lives, soul timelines or just a plain and simple rose reading with the reading of your aura and your chakras.… Everything is energy, so anything is possible during a reading. Whether the being is alive, dead or unborn does not matter to me either, as long as 1) there is permission, 2) it serves you and 3) it is of a high vibration.
Practical: a reading can be done face-to-face at my practice. Of course I can also do it remotely, if you can't come to me. That is just as powerful because energy knows no time/distance! We then have contact online (Zoom, Skype or Facetime) or by telephone. Or simply no contact: whatever you want (although this is only in exceptional cases). All I need is your permission and your first and last name. You will receive the recording of the reading via email, so that you can listen to it again. And that's pretty handy because sometimes the penny drops a bit later. Whether or not you as a person get it right away … for me it's about your soul getting it. If Body, Mind and Soul work together nicely, the pieces of the puzzle will fall together automatically.
It is a gift to be able to BE!
For more information on readings please visit the FAQ page.

This sign says 'To Be'. I had this made when my practice room was build. I have written "here I can .." on it: Here I can Be. This is the essence of my being and of my work.
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