The Superpatch company patches at

Superpatch by VanessaVink

Huh, sticking patches?! Yes indeed! This is a interesting 'biohack'. It was developed by a Canadian neurologist: he looked at many EEGs and saw that the same things light up in the brain every time with the same problems. He developed a code for various themes that is incorporated in a patch.

The moment you stick on that patch that code starts working via a tactile stimulus that is passed on to the skin receptors. This activates a neuronal signal that goes back to the brain, where it is processed and sent back to the body as a natural impulse. So no junk in your body and several plasters are already FDA approved.

When I first stuck on a patch I noticed that the ‘electricity’ just lighted up in my body: that’s the best way to describe it. I could see (with my third eye) that there were a kind of lightning bolts going through my arm. Interesting! So those neurons may learn again what they have forgotten. It stimulates the self-healing capacity and even super-sensitive me can handle it! Great. Examples: if I can’t sleep I stick on the REM patch and I do fall asleep. The Peace patch is fantastic for inner peace, the Freedom patch works for pain. The Rocket patch for hormonal fluctuations. The Focus patch if you have to study or work hard. The Kick it to get rid of bad habits. The Lumi for your skin. Very curious: with the Victory and also with the Liberty patch I press significantly more weight on the leg press in the gym: wow! How?!

There are now twelve different sachets: Boost, Defend, Focus, Freedom, Ignite, Joy, Kick it, Liberty, Lumi, Peace, REM, Rocket and Victory. And it can be much more extensive by making combinations. It works nicely as a supplement and because I am always looking for ways to help people, I have decided to sell the Superpatch patches myself in my practice.

This is my website for the Superpatch patches.

Are you unsure which one you need? I can also test you with the biotensor! You will then get a good idea of which patches do or do not suit you and which ones you need the most (and often you will also receive information about why). If I measure you after a session, the test is free. If you only want to be tested (without booking a session with energy work with me), I charge €15 for that test.

You buy the patches per bag of 28 pieces at € 66.50 (incl. VAT), but you can also buy single patches from me at € 2.38 (incl. VAT) to try. Do you not have a credit card and do you want to purchase Superpatch bags on my Superpatch website and I don't have those bags in stock? I have a solution for that too.

Call or email me if you want to know more, or want to sell them yourself, via my contact page.

Disclaimer: The statements regarding the Superpatch products have not (yet) all been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The Superpatch products cannot diagnose, treat or cure any disease and are not medicines. Always consult your own physician before using Superpatch products. The information on this website is not intended to replace the professional advice of a physician or pharmacist and cannot be used for independent diagnosis or treatment of any disease. The use of Superpatch products is entirely at your own risk. I accept no responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from the use of these products. For support and further information: contact The Superpatch Company in the United States. The statements made in connection with these products have not all been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the effectiveness of the products has not been confirmed by Food and Drug Administration approved studies. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The patches
Freedom: This medical device is for single use only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Any serious incident that has occurred in connection with the FREEDOM patch must be reported to the manufacturer or authorized representative and to the competent authority of the Member State in which you are established. REM: This product has no medical purpose, but is intended to improve general well-being. The effects have not yet been scientifically proven, but are based on a non-randomized and non-placebo-controlled study, user reports and experience. Victory: This product has no medical purpose, but is intended to improve general well-being. The effect has not yet been scientifically proven, but is based on a non-randomized and non-placebo-controlled study, user reports and experience. Liberty: This product has no medical purpose, but is intended to improve general well-being. The effect has not yet been scientifically proven, but is based on a non-randomized and non-placebo-controlled study, user reports and experience. Lumi, Rocket, Peace, Defend, Joy, Kick It, Ignite, Focus, Boost: This product has no medical purpose, but is intended to improve general well-being. The effect has not yet been scientifically proven, but is based on user reports and experience.