“Panta rhei” (= everything flows)
- Heraclitus
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Hereby I give you answers to a lot of questions you might have. Would you like to know what a chakra or an aura is? Are you interested to know what you, as an energy system, are all about? Do you know how many chakras there are and how many layers your aura has. Please download the eBook where, in a few pages, I will tell you all about it. And I will also talk about your higher self and more so that you get to understand what your energy system is all about.
The answers to the questions below you will find by clicking on them. Enjoy!
What topics can you read in a reading?
Every topic about you, you in combination with somebody else, your pets, your home, what lies under your home, your illness, your blocks, your fears, your vibration, the entities around you, your job, your loved ones that you lost, your unborn child, your miscarriage, your Akashic Records, your Soul-timeline, your team of guides/helpers/guardian angels, your business.... anything! Why? Because EVERYTHING is energy. Everything! And in that energy lies information: always!
In the past I would usually read someone’s rose in the first session and we would look at the aura and the chakras. Just like how I was taught in school 🙂 It maps out the readee beautifully. But we can have sooooo much more fun!! Ever since we have taken a huge step here in earth (just Google ‘from the third to the fifth dimension’), people who feel attracted to me are ready for the real deal! Already during the first session, people can often make big steps. When we start reading, I will receive the info that you need the most for your next step. That can virtually be anything! By leaving it open, the magic can exist. Of course you can ask for a certain theme to read. But if you need to solve other issues first to move on, then that will present itself. I perceive you neutral and as clear as glass and I will pick up whatever it is that you need. But to give you an idea of what themes there are, I will hereby mention several.
This can really be anything. Consider: – growth (in work/all kinds of relationships/spiritually); – health (where it stagnates in your system and because of what); – food (your relationship with food); – sadness (detecting/processing it); – past lives (and what you have included of that in this life); – contact with other beings (with or without body) – blockages (in whatever shape or form, like why can I not move forward?, what stops me?) – your accommodation (where you stay and your relationship to the place/the house) – running out (do you feel that you are losing energy to situations or people) – a relationship reading about you and anyone else with whom you have a relationship in any form (family, friends, partners in love or work, kids, pets) – et cetera.
But the most fun is to just see what comes up since that is what you need the most!! With the open question you allow that theme to come up that you need most at that point. To tackle a problem you usually have to change something on a different level first. So let’s see what is most important for you now!
But will all those topics come up?
No, definitely not. Don’t worry. How I work is that the only things that will come up are the things that will get you to move forward again. If we would do way too much, you would be so overwhelmed that you would not make a move to go anywhere....
My goal is to put you (back) into your own power again and getting the proverbial dust off, so that you get the autonomy to move forward.
Why would several sessions benefit me?
For answering this question I would like you to imagine an onion. If you chop the onion in half you are straight to the core, but you probably have tears in your eyes and you can’t see anything....
But if you remove the upper layer, then you will notice that there is room to check out the layer beneath the first layer. And when you remove that one than you will see the third one.
You will stay intact and learn your lessons of life thoroughly, so that they can stop repeating them by clearing them at the core.
Can I do different therapies at the same time?
I would advise you not to do this! First of all, energy works on a different level (see question ‘Does it hurt?’) and works on it for days.
Second, if you start mixing several energetic treatments then you do not know what information you received from what session.
Energy work is subtle: only after a while you will look back a see that things have changed in your life.
If I have a session on two consecutive days would it be the same information I receive?
First of all, I would advise you to let the energy work do it’s work for a week and then do another session.
But to answer your question: no since everything is in constant motion. You are different on all levels tomorrow so a session would be different too.
The more you peel from the proverbial onion, the deeper you can go.
Does it hurt?
No! Energy work is not seen with the naked eye but it does not hurt! Although you can have physical reactions. That is great, because then your body tells you that it is correct.
The reason why I hand out tips for before and after energy work, is that your body needs the care. Energy work is of such high vibration that your soul loves! But your body is way slower than your soul. And energy work will work on for days after the session. So you need to take care of your body very well so that it can catch up.
Although you sit still, energy work can feel like joining the Olympics! Therefore, quiet time and self-care is advised after a session.
What are entities?
Could you open your mind and could you imagine that there is more than you can see with the naked eye? Well, there are beings with a body (humans and animals) and beings without a body and those are called entities. I prefer to call them ‘enties’ because it sounds less spooky haha.
Once you have opened yourself up to it, there is no way back. I have opened up all clairs: clairvoyance, clairknowing, clairsentience, clairempathic, clairaudience and channeling and sometimes clairscent, clairgustance, and I can assure you that we are not alone!
For me it is the most normal thing in the world. It is nice to know that you do not have to do it alone, because there is help in the form of guides and angels. But it may be that there are entities that belong to a previous chapter of your life or perhaps really from a previous life. Or maybe they are stuck in the house because they do not know how to go to the light. Or they are just really annoying and they must simply, without question, be removed.
This is my specialty! I also call myself ‘Ghostbuster 2.0’. So who you gonna call??
How many sessions do I have to have?
First of all: you do not have to do anything. You will know when it is time to make an appointment. I fully trust that you know: you will receive a signal, a thought or a dream that reminds you to come for a session. I am a Universal Business Entrepreneur: I do not do Marketing. The Universe does it for me 🙂
When you come for the first time, mostly I am guided to look at you in total to ‘map you’. When you have a map, you know where to go to, right? The second time, we can go deeper into the areas where you need to work on to move forward.
If we tackled something that you would like to work on more, it is best to make the new appointment a week after the first one. Then we can work on what we opened up. Otherwise we need to start over. That is why lots of people prefer to work with me with several appointments in a row, mostly every 10 days for 4 or 5 times. What you see then is we can easily pick up the flow and we can start the serious magic really quick!
You will not believe what you are capable of! You’ll know after reading this, if this is addressed to you 😉 You will know, feel, dream about it: follow what is best for you and never doubt your intuition.
What is your cancellation policy?
If it is necessary to cancel or reschedule your appointment, it is required that you call at least 24 hours in advance to do so. If you cancel or are a no-show within 24 hours of your appointment then full payment is required and will need to be paid prior to your next appointment.
What things can you read?
Akashic Records
Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning sky, space or aether. It is like a library where every word, thought or action of every soul is stored energetically and encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. Your Akashic records are the records of your soul’s journey. In here, in every life, you will store information.
Although I will be sitting in my chair, I can travel really quick to your Akashic records to look at the ‘book’ of your soul. If for example you have patterns in your life that seem not to be stopped, we can check the promise you made and change when I am allowed. And guess what? I can easily take people there, even if they have never done energy work before. Than you can see for yourself, if I am allowed to take you.
Soul timeline
Every soul has a time line. If it is necessary to pinpoint where a pattern in your life started, I can also see that on your soul time line. My motto: finding the cause and looking behind it. If you clear the contract to have a certain pattern, the pattern will go.
Contact with other beings whether they are unborn, alive or dead and whether you know them from this life or another life
If contact like this is necessary for you to be able to move on, it will present itself during the session. I have had multiple times that miscarriages (souls that passed but decided not to be born with a human body) brought beautiful information to their moms.
It helps in your mourning to feel that there still is a connection although that beautiful child was never really born. And it is good chance that your unborn child is part of your team of guides, by the way.
Contact with your pets
All beings have a specific vibration that has information. So also your pets are easy to do a session with. It will be done remotely.
Contact with your home
Is for example your home not being sold? Let me chat with it so that I can see what is going on.
Contact with your team: who are your guides, guardian angels and other helpers?
Everybody has a team! If you know your team, than it is easier to ask for specific help. Let’s find out so that you can start working with them. They would love to be more in contact with you!
Contact with your relationship with somebody else
Is your relationship not going well? Or are you longing for a partner, but are you still single? Let’s see what is going on.
Contact with your job/business
What is going on at work? Or why can you not find a new job? How is your relationship with a certain colleague? Are you aligned with your goals? And more questions to see how you can get the flow back.
How is your relationship with food? What does food mean to you? Food is energy too! And if your relationship with food is not well, you might experience a disorder. It is interesting to see where that originated.
Remember EVERYTHING IS ENERGY so anything can be read!
Are you a doctor?
No. I am a healer not a medical practitioner.
Treatments are not a substitute for medical diagnosis and treatment, and no medical claims are made regarding these treatments. People with serious conditions should consult their doctor.
If you are currently taking medication as prescribed by your doctor please DO NOT stop doing so.
Energy therapy or any other natural healing therapy should not compete with medical doctors and their treatments but they can complement each other.
Can you read my future?
Yes. But I will not! Why? Because life is all about the journey and not about the destination.
If I tell you where you will end up, you will start to live by it, you will miss out on the fun, expect too much and feel that nothing has to be done anymore. Bye Bye to what you came here to do: learn!
How I work with people is that you get to understand more and more about yourself so that you can have autonomy over your own life on a high vibrating level. Now THAT is fun!
Is it scary?
Well, sometimes people find the first time of doing something new (whether it is energy work or something else) exciting and maybe a bit scary. That is all good!
I sense perfectly well if you are ready for it and if not then I will perform a little healing so that you will be.
People tend to experience the contact with me as pleasant and I have full confidence that I can create that for you too. Remember, you were drawn to me for a reason.
What is geopathic stress?
Geopathic stress is not a spiritual thing: it has something to do with geography. This is how I always explain it. The earth is not merely made from soil, but you will also find rivers (water veins) and energy lines inside the earth.
The energy lines that are most common are the Ley lines: Stonehenge is built on one. These lines are amazing to live or work on, because of the high vibration that creates more power.
But there are also lines that are not so pleasant to live on. For example, a Hartman line, a Benker line and a Curry line are energy lines that cross the earth. On some places on the earth there are more energy lines than on other places. Hartman lines for example are found every two meters in Amsterdam! If you happened to live on a Benker line and that line also crosses a water vein, you have serious trouble....
Why is this of interest? The more sensitive you are, the more these energy lines affect you. The effect? Unrest in the house!! And the more sensitive you are, the more you will notice it physically. When children keep waking up at the same hour, the pets start running into the curtains, your legs start to get restless, you have difficulty sleeping, you feel unsafe in your home..... you might want to let it get checked by a specialist like me.
Geography and spirituality come together at this point, because crossings and lines create a portal for entities. If you sense that you are not alone in your home, despite the fact that there isn’t anybody there, I suggest you make an appointment with me. What I do then? I detect and pinpoint whatever is under or in your home/workplace/stable and clear it.
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