Blinded by Clairvoyance
When talking about paranormal gifts, clairvoyance is often mentioned. But does that cover it all? No, certainly not! Information can be received in various ways. When specific information, let’s say about somebody else, is not being hatched up with your own or somebody else’s mind, it might be possible that the information come through via a different channel.
Many channels
A channel which is invisible to the naked eye, of which it is not necessarily evident where the information came from, is also called intuition. There are many channels for this clear way of gathering information! I would love to sum up these ways – in random order – and I will explain why it is so important to also give the other forms of ‘clair’ attention. I can name you ten different kinds of ‘clairs’. First of all I will mention the five sensory ways of obtaining information.
1. Clair-voyance (clear seeing) is a term that is most commonly known. It means that you ‘see’ images with your mind’s eye, also known as your third eye, which is situated on your forehead between your eyes and right above your eyebrows. Working with this clair often happens with the eyes closed. There are various ways: looking into the future, reading the past and giving clarity about the present.
2. Clair-sentience (clear physical feeling) is used when somebody receives information, often about somebody else, by feeling it themselves. This way of receiving information helps to feel at what spot the physical or mental pain is, in order to gain more information.
3. Clair-audience (clear hearing) is when you hear sounds that the normal ear can not hear. You can hear words, but also noise. It is that voice that all of a sudden tells you to stop when you might get into a dangerous situation. But you are also clairaudient when you have a great rhythm and have a sense for music or when you can hear if somebody is lying by listening to his/her voice.
4. Clair-gustance (clear tasting) is when your sense of taste picks up information without literally having something in your mouth. This information might be about a deceased person, who passes on information about what he/she liked to eat or drink. It can even help in homicide investigations (like tasting drugs or blood).
5. Clair-salience (clear smelling) is when information comes through by smelling something that is not physically there. The scent can refer to a human, an animal or a place. For example, you can suddenly smell the perfume of your deceased grandmother when she is trying to tell you something. Take a moment to understand the message (in whatever form it comes).
More ways
The ‘clairs’ mentioned above can be traced back to our senses. But there are more ways to pick up information. That is why I find it just as important to put the following ‘clairs’ in the same list.
6. Clair-cognizance (clear knowing) I always call ‘poef’-thoughts. Well, actually I call them ‘floep’ in Dutch but ‘poef’ sounds very similar haha. Those are the things that you know so sure all of a sudden, even without thinking about it with your mind. The stream of information, in my experience, comes from above ‘POEF’ inside your head. Without emotions or empathic feelings it is just there and you know from the deepest of your being that it is true.
7. Clair-empathy (clear emotional feeling) is when you are able to pick up somebody else’s emotions, thoughts or symptoms very clearly. So you do not actually feel it, like with clairsentience, but you are able to pick up relevant information. If you would not clear all those emotions of others from your energy system, you will carry it around all the time.
8. Clair-tangency (clear touching) is when you touch somebody or something and then receive a message. It can come through as an image, a feeling or a sound though, but it has started by touching something.
9. It is probably not a mainstream word, but clair-dreaming is, in my opinion, a very important way of receiving information. These kind of dreams are way clearer then the everyday dreams in which we cope with the things that happened to us. Do you remember the TV series ‘Medium”, based on real stories? The main character received the exact information about murders, because in her dreams she saw it from the killer’s point of view.
10. I would like to mention channeling and being a medium as the last ones. Channeling is receiving information from your Higher self, your team of guides and guardian angels, Spirit, angels or from who ever wants to come and play. Some people are being ‘taken over’ by such a messenger, like Abraham or Kryon. But it can very well be that you feel the need to say words that you would not say for yourself, without turning yourself ‘off’ totally. Automatic writing is also a way of channeling. A medium does the same, but receives the information via the souls of deceased who used to live on earth as a human or an animal.
Using objects
A lot of ways to receive information, huh?! And I did not even talk about receiving information with the use of objects, like a biotensor (with which I work a lot), a pendulum or other things. Technically everybody is able to use these forms of information gathering! I consider that most people do have proverbial ‘dust’ on their mind and abilities. My ‘dust’ is off: I have all these ‘clairs’, some more than others. What I use most in sessions with clients is clair-knowing, clearsentience, clairvoyance and being a channel/medium. I could give you personal examples, but I think this article will really be too long! The message I wish to give you is way more important.
The message
I summed up all these ‘clairs’ for you to show you that you also have one or more of these ways. But it can happen that people tend to look in the wrong places…. For example, when you are trying really hard to receive a message in a physical form by a deceased person, but you then dismiss the information given to you by him/her in a dream. That is a pity. I have also heard another case once: one of the students of an intuitive school was told that she needed to get her information from her clairvoyance. But she was clairsentient, so she got totally insecure by this matter! In the end I tipped her to just say “I see” instead of “I feel” during the reading. Okay, this is not a standard procedure, but it worked perfectly for her: she graduated gloriously and is a great reader.
So please find out what your way of retrieving information is, now that you are familiar with the different forms. Develop what you do have and do not get blinded by something that you happened to have heard more about.